gnat on the windshield

splat, splat, splat

Medusa July 15, 2007

Filed under: amigurumi,crochet,free patterns — gnathalie2 @ 8:02 pm

Oh My God I Am So Freaking Tired!!!!!  the kids were up till 4 am and then of course luis and his turning up the tv and talking really loud.  So after lack of sleep and a super caffeine withdrawl headache (guess what i forgot at Kroger!!!), i made another fishy!! this one is for a pet toy exchange i’m in which explaines the super long tendrils.  And here is the pattern:

medusa.jpg pdf version: medusa


size g and h hook

ww yarn ( i used dark pink red heart and black simply soft)

2 buttons for the eyes

needle and embroidery floss

fiberfill, jingle bells (optional)


6 sc in ring

rd1: 2 sc in each sc around (12 sc)

rd2: 2 sc in first sc, sc in next around (18 sc)

rd3: sc in each sc around (18 sc)

rd4: 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc around (24 sc)

rd5: 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc around (30 sc)

rd6-rd10: sc in each sc around (30 sc)

rd11:  dec 1 sc in first 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc around (24 sc)

rd12: sc in each sc around (24 sc)

rd13: dec 1 sc in first 2 sc, sc in next 2 sc around (18 sc)

rd14: dec 1 sc in first 2 sc, sc in next sc around (12 sc)

rd 15: dec 1 sc around (6 sc)

chain 1, 3 sc across. turn

row 1: chain 5,  3 tr in same space, 4 tr in each sc across (11 tr) – the ch 5 counts as the first tr

row 2: change color, chain 1, sc in each tr across. (12 sc)

row 3: chain 1, sc in first sc, chain 21, 2 sc in each chain down, sc in next sc, repeat the process across.  finish off, weave in ends.

Note:  I sewed on the buttons and used the black yarn to stitch a smile on her after the 30 sc rounds, and i stuffed her with fiberfil and a couple jingle bells in one of the decrease rounds.  Have fun!!!!!


One Response to “Medusa”

  1. jj Says:

    ok y’all, I just saw this little fishy earlier today and it’s super cute in person. There is something about the happy face that’s just so……well……happy!

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