gnat on the windshield

splat, splat, splat

i’m playing favorites September 24, 2009

Filed under: family — gnathalie2 @ 3:32 am

i love all my kids equally, but i am totally playing favorites right now!  so which one of my kids do i like the most tonight???


and why do i like tasha the most????? (tonight)!!!


cause she bought me stuff!!!  that’s right, my affection can totally be bought!  hahahahaha!!

But for real, my birthday is tomorrow and i wasn’t expecting anything more than a birthday hug (totally my favorite!!) 

Every wednesday tasha goes to church with her mentor, Mrs. Kim, and usually comes home with a handful of church stuff (booklets, crafts, etc) but today she walked into my room with a giant gold bag covered in ‘happy birthday’……… for me???!!!

now one of my very favorite presents that i’ve gotten a couple in the past is one of those big makeup kits full of the most wonderfully generic selections of glosses and shadows endless beauty possibilities………… and OMG is that big black box for me?





 this is  what i was thinking:  “please be makeup please be makeup please be makeup”




i felt like i hit the jackpot!!!! 

here is tasha holding the makeup box:





 we are so waking up early tomorrow morning to do our makeup!!!!!




i’m in total heaven going through all the stuff in the box, and she surprises even more because there’s still stuff in the bag!!!





in addition to the black box of heaven, i also got heart shaped mini candles, a giant candle with hearts on it~ it smells like fruit tea!!~ paper thin peach scented soap petals, honey almond bath soak, and a booklet from the church called ‘basic elements of the christian life’ (she said she grabbed it cause the cover was a pretty blue color!) ~ and ‘navy’ perfume (we both think it smells like my mom and can’t stop smelling our clothes now!!)




tasha totally rocks and i am so glad that she’s just as impatient as me when it comes to giving presents~ honestly, she could have just given me a card and i’d be just as glad but she always amazes me with how thoughtful and generous she can be!! 


happy birthday to me tomorrow!!



awesome fingerless gloves September 23, 2009

Filed under: crochet,free patterns,kittens — gnathalie2 @ 2:40 am

I actually designed this pattern a couple weeks ago and it’s taken this long to post it due to the fact that no matter how many times i went to the store i kept forgetting batteries.  Even yesterday when my only mission was to go to Kroger and buy batteries ~ i only brought enough cash for batteries but what did i come home with?  cat food and laundry detergant. 

But never fear!!  I achieved the impossible today (with the help of a grocery list!) and i bought batteries!!!  My younger sister, Jessica, stopped by and i had her model the glove for me.  I’ve made 7 of the gloves so far and Tasha likes to bring them to school and give them to her friends!

Here is the pic of the glove on my sisters hand:



and here is the free pdf download: awesome fingerless gloves






and from the pics that i downloaded today, here are the best kitty ones!!:

  this is Rose sleeping all curled up in a pile of her own fur


and this is our all white cat, who we ended up naming ‘Scarface’ (he still has a spot under his eye that is discolored from the eye infection he had)











and i took this one last month, it’s one of the white/orange tip cats doing an impression of Bloom County’s Bill the Cat:



Have fun!!
