gnat on the windshield

splat, splat, splat

super quick post & late thanks! January 31, 2008

Filed under: amigurumi,crochet,free patterns — gnathalie2 @ 7:05 pm

Just found this link through flickr, it’s a japanese pattern page with like 4 or 5 cool patterns!  I want to do the snake first!!!

Alright, so let’s do another episode of ‘Show and Tell’!!!

I recently discovered the ‘incoming links’ part of my blog (and by recently i mean like 3 minutes ago!)  and with a click click here and a click click there i came across…(drumroll)….. knitted sisters blog!! (  !! She made my pretty pretty flower scarf!!


Absolutely wonderful!!  (scarf pattern is here:

I also came across another pattern links page called LinksLinksLinks (

And another one called ‘crocheting lessons’


I’ll post more stuff as i find it!!!




So many patterns!!!

Filed under: amigurumi,free patterns,kittens — gnathalie2 @ 1:44 pm

I do actually have so many patterns that i would have to live three lifetimes to do them all!!  But since i only have this lifetime, i picked a super cool project!!  The free pattern is from Roxycraft ( and it’s the Gabu creature!!!

I made one last night and the kitties just tore it up, so i made a couple more this morning~ i woke up at 3:30am with really mean cramps~ and each one only took about an hour from start to finish!!

gabu.jpg I used buttons instead of the safety eyes cause i don’t have any. 

I also get to test a pattern for KristieMN!!!!!  It’s a really, really adorable trio of sea critters!!  Here is the link to the pic:

And here is the actual photo of her sea creatures:

seaset.jpg Cute!! I just LOVE these!!

 And how about those kitties!!   This is what two of them were doing this morning while i was making the gabus:


And here is Twinkletoes on the couch, he’s trying to figure out a way to get the camera strap!:


And you know how kittens sleep in their ‘fur pile’?!  Well, i’d hate to be the only one asleep!!:

006-5.jpg The one in the middle is just getting the orange kicked right off of her!!  She doesn’t care though, she’s asleep. 

How about a BIG STRETCH!!:

007-5.jpg (yup.  still asleep.)

This pic made me laugh cause i had no idea that the kitty was yawning till i downloaded the pics!

ouch.jpg Ouch!! (kidding, just a yawn!)  And yes, that’s me wearing the Bruins shirt~ it’s Luis’s, i don’t like sports.  But the cool thing is that Adam Sandler wears the same one in the Happy Gilmore movie!

And here is Snowball (mama cat) with the boy kitten. Adrian named him Price Tricky (from the Starfox video game):


Oh, and the sweetest photo EVER!!  This is Momo and one of the kittens, Tasha found them behind the pillow on the arm of the couch:

aaa.jpg Awwwww!!!

Well, i’m off to sit on the couch and eat advil! Yum!



Finish-it Friday!!! January 25, 2008

Filed under: crochet — gnathalie2 @ 3:15 pm

I am introducing my very first Finish-it Friday!!!  I have sooooo many projects that are almost done.  So today i am committing myself to finishing at least one project!!  And what have i not finished yet?

1.  Steph’s granny square blanket

2. A pile of amigurumi mushrooms

3.  Oldbaglady’s dragon (free pattern at crochetville)

4. a hot pink monkey]

5.  i know there’s more, i just can’t think!!

 So, later today i WILL post a finished project!!!!!!!  I promise!!!


As promised, here is what i finished today:

006-1.jpg This is just a ‘random pieces’ amigurumi.  I had some ‘bodies’ laying around and whipped this up.

Next up, although technically it’s not all the way finished, i finished making all the stupid granny squares for Steph’ blanket!!!  Assembly can wait till next Friday!!

001-10.jpg All the squares are made with simply soft yarn and the free pattern is over at the lionbrand website (over in my blogroll)

And last but not least…MUSHROOMS!!!

006-41.jpg I had made a pile of these, most of which Steph’s kids took home with them.  These were the unassembled ones sitting on my living room table just waiting for me to bother with it!!!

And what was Cry Baby doing while i was finishing stuff?

005-5.jpg Hogging my side of the couch!!!

While he was taking up all my room, i looked over and Twinkletoes and Snowball were asleep on my yarn box:

004-8.jpg  How cute?  Right?!  Well, i think they just got tired of waiting for me to give them the leftovers of my chicken bagel!

I hope everyone’s getting stuff done today!!!

Have fun!



Lining a crocheted bag January 23, 2008

Filed under: crochet,sewing,tutorials — gnathalie2 @ 4:29 pm

Just popped over to craftzine and found this link on lining a crocheted bag



Show and Tell time! January 21, 2008

Filed under: amigurumi,family,free patterns,kittens — gnathalie2 @ 6:27 pm

Well, kinda.  The leftover yarn blanket i’m almost done with for Steph doesn’t have a photo to go with it, so you’re just gonna have to believe me!!

Over in my blogroll there is a link to KristieNM and her awesome free patterns.  She posted a pic of the fancy feast fish that she made using my free pattern

And here they are!!!

fish.jpg  I LOVE these!!!!!  Great job!!!!

Next up, me and Jenn decided to do a craft project together (due next week!!) and the theme we picked is……a monster using clothes that we are too fat to wear!!!  Here is the shirt i picked to make my monster with:

004-6.jpg  I love this shirt, but too bad for me, i’m too fat for it!  Kinda like ‘right said fred’ : i’m too pudgy for my shirt, so pudgy it huuurrrts!!!  hahaha!!

So the kids friend James came over yesterday, and he wanted my mint chocolate bunny

(  So of course i said yes, and then he did the most awesome-est thing: He made a ‘jacket’ for the bunny using fabric from a sock and then took the smaller xmas tree, glued some felt on top and called it a carrot!!  Here is his bunny now:


Now, i’m sure everyone knows how much i love that crane machine at walmart, right?!  Well, me and Tasha went this morning and she wanted me to do like Spongebob where he keeps his eyes closed!  So i did!!  I ended up getting 3 toys that way!!  The rest are Tasha’s winnings:

028-1.jpg I like the mice the best!

And last but never least,  my kittens!!!  They like to pile up with the bigger cats and sleep under the living room table:

007-4.jpg The ‘fur mass’ is Twinkletoes!!

One of the girl kitties has claimed the heater vent as her spot:


And what do the kittens like about as much as ‘boobie’???  Pork chops!!!

014-3.jpg yummy yummy!



Love the snow!! January 20, 2008

Filed under: family,kittens — gnathalie2 @ 4:23 pm

I love when it snows!!  Probably cause it happens so often. NOT!!  The last time it snowed here was like 5 years ago.  Here are some outdoor pics from yesterday, this one is when it first started snowing:


Madaleine took the camera out and took this photo of our backyard:


And here is a photo of a holly plant covered in snow.  Jenn took this one and i ‘stole’ it from her flickr site:


Steph came down to visit yesterday, and Tasha had fun giving piggyback rides to Annika:


Callan loved picking up the kittens:


Remember how Twinkletoes loves sitting on laps at the fireplace?  Well, looks like we’ve got a copycat here:

043-2.jpg (kitty loves you, steph!)

 I had promised to make a surprise toy for Callan the next time they came down, and i ended up making a few mushrooms.  Forgot to take a pic of them, but Stephs kids wanted more of my stuff, so i let them pick out whatever they wanted!  Callan picked out the light blue nerdy bird~ he’s so sweet!!


And what did Gavin like?  Why, he was partial to the evil minions!!  I don’t think he knows what he’s in for!! 


Oh, and i made a bunch of chocolate chip cookies!! 

This morning, one of the girl kittens decided to be extra cute:






I’ve been noticed!!

Filed under: amigurumi,crochet,free patterns — gnathalie2 @ 1:52 pm

I know, i’m a dork, but a super excited dork!!!  My easy tree pattern is the daily free pattern over at !!!!!   That’s why the site is on my blogroll.  Cause they have a bunch of my patterns there. So yes, Jenn, today i’m an internet superstar!!! 



Evil Minions January 9, 2008

Filed under: amigurumi,crochet,free patterns,kittens — gnathalie2 @ 3:42 pm

 Hostile Bunni has been pretty quiet lately, so i decided to see what he’s been up to.  Remember that ‘duplicating’ machine in the movie Santa Clause 2?  Well, looks like bunni had the same idea.


Not only did he make larger, more ‘evil’ copies of himself, but i caught them in a top secret ‘evil’ meeting:

021-1.jpg It’s red cause it’s evil.

The arrival of the new kitties fueled his desire for a hostile takeover~ bunni style.

041-1.jpg “Take your positions”

033-1.jpg “you will follow our every command, kittens”

035-1.jpg “There is no escaping us.  We have you surrounded.”

034-2.jpg “crap”

Looks like bunni didn’t think this one through.  Again!  Here is the chaos that ensued:

040.jpg “Bunni down, Bunni down!!!”


036.jpg“ABORT MISSION!!!!”

039-1.jpg “Save yourselves, minions!”

Phew, looks like the kittens got lucky this time!! 

Here is how to make your own evil bunni minions:

(pdf version: evil-minions)


size G hook

ww yarn (i mainly used Vanna’s Choice, also some random scraps)

felt, yarn needle, embroidery floss


6 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in each sc around (12 sc)

rd2: 2sc in first sc, sc in next sc around (18 sc)

rd3: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc around (24 sc)

rd4: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc around (30 sc)

rd5-16: sc in each sc around (30 sc)

rd17: in BLO, sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc around (24 sc)

rd18: sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc around (18 sc)

rd19: sc2tog, sc in next sc around (12 sc)

At this point, i finished off and sewed the body shut.  After stuffing it, of course!

Ears (make 2)

6 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc around (8 sc)

rd2-7: sc in each sc around (8 sc)

fasten off, leave long tail for sewing


1.  I made the ears first, then sewed them on the head before i got to the first decrease round.

2.  For the faces,  i cut out circle and almond type shapes for the eyes, and rounded triangles for the noses.  I used black embroidery floss (3 strands) to sew it onto the head,  also, when i was done sewing on the nose, i put the needle through the spot right under the nose, went back in just a little bit down and then embroidered a kinda wide upside down ‘V’ for the mouth. 

3.  i did a color change in the third to last even sc round. 

Enjoy your evil minions!



Navigating the stairs January 8, 2008

Filed under: kittens — gnathalie2 @ 3:49 pm

Yesterday the kitties ventured out of Madaleine’s room and into the hallway.  Feeling pretty good about themselves, they decided to go a bit further and see what the stairs were all about!

034-1.jpg This is the closet where they ‘live’

020-2.jpg After a ‘kamakaze’ type stair discovery, i put them back in the room.  But they were anxious to see more





Yea!!!  Two of them made it down 1 step!!!!




Wubble-palooza!!! January 6, 2008

Filed under: attempted sewing,family,kittens,other crap i do,sewing — gnathalie2 @ 5:13 pm

I’m not sure where the original ‘tune’ came from, i think it’s from the humane society?  Anyhow, in an effort to make Madaleine feel better, i came up with the Wubble!  And here is the tune that goes with it:

“You’re nobody till some Wubble loves you, so find yourself some Wubbles to love”

And here is the first one i made:


Here is a group shot with three of them:


These two are Bunny Wub and Love Wubble (also known as ‘Lubbable Wubbable’):

025-2.jpg  They really like playing on the toy playset!  They also like messing around with Tasha:


This one Madaleine named ‘paddleball’ because of it’s likeness to a paddleball toy:


All Wubbles were made with the kids old clothes and felt stitched on.  The ‘pattern’ i used was just a shape that Madaleine had drawn on some cardboard from a coke box. 

Next on the list of stuff to post…. KIWI!!!


This wonderful version of my kiwi is brought to you by kelguen, i found the post over at craftster!!!  Great job!!!!

 And how about all my cats?  Well, i’ll show you!!

Here we have Momo, clearly trying to take a nap in the worst possible place:


The baby kitties like to ‘meow’ around Madaleines room:


This one is definitely a girl:


Forgot how many kittens we have?  Here they are all in a row next to Adrian:


And here are some way too cute kitty pics:




Kitties love sleeping next to Twinkletoes:


And the big cats love sleeping near the kittens:


One more thing- this is what the kids did on the computer last night. 


It’s from the online polly pocket site, i have no idea who ‘skylar’ is, and yes, there was another one with the ‘s’ word that i threw out!!  Silly kids!!!
