gnat on the windshield

splat, splat, splat

Bunni takeover. August 21, 2007

Filed under: amigurumi,crochet,free patterns,other crap i do — gnathalie2 @ 6:03 pm

Bunni too hot in house.  Must piss everyone off.

Bunni take over cookies.


Bunni take over coke.  All of it.


Bunni take over castle. Bunni’s castle now. Go away.


No ice for you!!  Bunni take over ice now.


Bunni not so sure about kitty takeover.


Make more bunnys. Now.

(pdf version: hostile-bunni)

I used a size g hook, and caron simply soft in turqoise and brown

6 sc in ring
rd1: 2 sc in each sc around (12 sc)
rd2: 2 sc in first sc, sc in next around (18 sc)
rd3: 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc around (24 sc)
rd4: 2 sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc around ( 30 sc)
rd5-15?: sc in each sc around ( 30 sc)
I don’t remember how many rounds total i ended up doing, i switched to brown in like the third sc even round, and then again a few rounds down. Totally up to you!!
Next round: dec 1 sc over first 2 sc, sc in next 3 sc around (24 sc) IN BLO!!!
then continue with regular dec sc in each round, stuff and sew shut.

5 sc in ring
rd1-6: sc even, fo, sew to top of head.

for the eyes i used black embroidery floss, and a tapestry needle, and the same with the mouth and nose. 



8 Responses to “Bunni takeover.”

  1. superjen Says:

    No Bunni! That’s gnathalie’s coke!!

  2. gnathalie2 Says:

    back away from the coke and no one get’s hurt!!!

  3. stephanie75 Says:

    To CastleBunni:



  4. Synnøve Says:

    Leave some coke for me! 😎

  5. wendi Says:

    i likee the pics and the captions!

  6. Mickey Says:

    LOL Nathalie! Think you might be right, Tiffany and hostile bunny may have had an illicit affair and the dust bunny could be their love child!

  7. Rachel Says:

    AHA! So this is the original Bunni! The minions are multiplying and taking over my mom’s shelf of angels…

  8. *S Says:

    go hostile bunni!!!!! take over everything and thats all…

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