gnat on the windshield

splat, splat, splat

Big spotted bird April 26, 2008

Filed under: amigurumi,crochet,free patterns,tutorials — gnathalie2 @ 5:26 am

The yarn i have at home is so boring to me that i haven’t made anything i’ve wanted to.  So many fantastic projects and fabulous ideas that just don’t get made cause if i have to open that box and look at another ball of freakin red heart yarn i will just cry.  Or just not make anything.  But then an unplanned trip to Dollar Tree changed everything!  Oh my god!!  They actually had yarn that was’nt that stupid fun fur crap!!!  I didn’t have much money (never do!) but i bought 4 balls of Patons ‘glittallic’. 

I made this big spotted bird today:

  click here for pdf: Big Spotted Bird

He doesn’t have a name yet, but he does have a free pattern!!!



Size F hook

1 ball Patons ‘glittallic’ in maroon shine

tiny bit of yellow ww yarn

embroidery floss or whatever for eyes



6 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in each sc around (12 sc)

rd2: 2sc in first sc, sc in next sc around (18 sc)

rd3: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc around (24 sc)

rd4: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc around (30 sc)

rd5: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 4 sc around (36 sc)

rd6: sc in each sc around (36 sc)

rd7: 2sc in first sc, sc in next sc around (54 sc)

rd8: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 8 sc around (60 sc)

rd9-22: sc in each sc around (60 sc)

rd23: sc2tog, sc in next 5 sc around (54 sc)

rd24: sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc around (45 sc)

rd25: sc2tog, sc in next 7 sc around (40 sc)

rd26: sc2tog, sc in next 6 sc around (35 sc)

rd27: sc2tog, sc in next 5 sc around (30 sc)

rd28: sc2tog, sc in next 4 sc around (25 sc)

rd29: sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc around (20 sc)

rd30: sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc around (15 sc)

rd31: sc2tog, sc in next sc around (10 sc)

rd32: 2sc in each sc around (20 sc)

rd33: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 4 sc around (24 sc)

rd33-38: sc in each sc around (24 sc)

rd39: sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc around (20 sc)

rd40: sc2tog, sc in next sc around (13? sc)

rd41-42: sc2tog around till done, fasten off.



with yellow yarn, 4 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in first sc, sc in next around (6 sc)

rd2: 2sc in first sc, sc in next sc around (9 sc)

rd3: sc in each sc around (9 sc)

fasten off, sew to the front of the head.  Use embroidery floss or google eyes for the eyes.  Done.


Please note:  The numbers may or may not be off, no big deal, it’s just a bird!!!


Balto seemed kinda interested in the bird:


Cry Baby just wanted to eat it:


Tasha was cute today though~ she took pics of the flowers in the front yard:






4 Responses to “Big spotted bird”

  1. Julie Says:

    The bird and photos are cute. Good luck with your inspiration hunt for the yarn!!!

  2. Josefin Says:

    What a fun little bird! 🙂
    I do know the feeling you get, when looking into the yarn-box and just see boring things! Even tho the yarn I have arent boring, they are boring, if you know what I mean.

  3. rengawk Says:

    Hahaha. I keep picking up that yarn at Big Lots. Its funny because its keeps sitting here looking at me – from under the couch – which is where I keep hiding these novelty yarns I shouldn’t be buying!

    You should take a picture of your stash and we can suggest ideas for the colors, or interesting combinations! ^^

  4. gnathalie2 Says:

    That is such a good idea!!! i’ll take pics tonight!!!!!

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