gnat on the windshield

splat, splat, splat

Little bunny boohoo October 7, 2007

Filed under: amigurumi,crochet,free patterns — gnathalie2 @ 12:31 pm

Poor little bunny.  She’s just so sad and won’t tell me why. 


I thought if she watched tv with me she’d cheer up. 


That just seemed to upset her even more.


Poor little bunny!  Maybe she wants to play outside.


click here for pdf: Little Bunny Boohoo


Size G hook, size F hook

ww yarn:

For the head, body, arms and legs i used red heart pink camo yarn. 

For the ears i used red heart in a light brown color

For the eyes/mouth i used caron simply soft in black and turquoise

fiberfill, yarn needle, glue

Use size F hook for mouth and eyes, use G hook for everything else. 


6 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in each sc around (12sc)

rd2: 2sc in first sc, sc in next sc around (18sc)

rd3: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc around (24sc)

rd4: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 3 sc around (30sc)

rd5-10: sc in each sc around (30sc)

rd11: sc2tog, sc in next 3 sc around (24sc)

rd12: sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc around (18sc)

rd13: sc2tog, sc in next sc around (12sc)

fasten off, leave long tail for sewing


6 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in each sc around (12sc)

rd2: 2sc in first sc, sc in next sc around (18sc)

rd3-11: sc in each sc around (18sc)

rd12: sc2tog, sc in next sc around (12sc)

rd13: sc in each sc around (12sc)

fasten off

Arms (make 2)

5 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in each sc around (10sc)

rd2&3: sc in each sc around (10sc)

rd4: (sc2tog, sc in next sc) 3 times, sc in next sc (7sc)

rd5-12: sc in each sc around (7sc)

fasten off.

Legs (make 2)

6 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in each sc around (12sc)

rd2&3: sc in each sc around (12sc)

rd4: sc2tog, sc in next sc around (8 sc)

rd5-13: sc in each sc around (8sc)

fasten off.

Ears (make 2)

with light brown ww yarn, 6 sc in a ring

rd1: 2sc in each sc around (12sc)

rd2: 2sc in first sc, sc in next sc around (18sc)

rd3: 2sc in first sc, sc in next 2 sc around (24sc)

rd4-9: sc in each sc around (24sc)

rd10: sc2tog, sc in next 2 sc around (18sc)

rd11: sc in each sc around (18sc)

rd12: sc2tog, sc in next sc around (12sc)

rd13-20: sc in each sc around (12sc)

rd21: sc2tog, sc in next sc around (8sc)

rd22: sc in each sc around (8sc)

fasten off.

Eyes (make 2)

With black yarn and g hook,

5 sc in a ring, insert hook into first sc, switch yarn to blue, pull through, slip stitch.

Ch 4, sl st in same space, (ch 3, sl st in next sc) around, fasten off.


ch 4, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next, fasten off.  Cut both ‘tails’ evenly, and short.


Stuff legs and arms, sew legs onto bottom of body, sew arms at the very top of body.

Do not stuff ears, sew to the back/top of the head.  Stuff head, and sew to top of the body, here you’re gonna sew through the body and the arms.  Sew or glue eyes to the face, glue the nose on, glue the ‘tails’ down so it looks like a frown.




3 Responses to “Little bunny boohoo”

  1. naida Says:

    this is adorable,thank you for the pattern :o)

  2. Claire Says:

    merci pour ce beau lapin

  3. AztecLime Says:

    Thanks for the pattern…this bunny is so cute! Can’t wait to make it.

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