gnat on the windshield

splat, splat, splat

Wubble-palooza!!! January 6, 2008

Filed under: attempted sewing,family,kittens,other crap i do,sewing — gnathalie2 @ 5:13 pm

I’m not sure where the original ‘tune’ came from, i think it’s from the humane society?  Anyhow, in an effort to make Madaleine feel better, i came up with the Wubble!  And here is the tune that goes with it:

“You’re nobody till some Wubble loves you, so find yourself some Wubbles to love”

And here is the first one i made:


Here is a group shot with three of them:


These two are Bunny Wub and Love Wubble (also known as ‘Lubbable Wubbable’):

025-2.jpg  They really like playing on the toy playset!  They also like messing around with Tasha:


This one Madaleine named ‘paddleball’ because of it’s likeness to a paddleball toy:


All Wubbles were made with the kids old clothes and felt stitched on.  The ‘pattern’ i used was just a shape that Madaleine had drawn on some cardboard from a coke box. 

Next on the list of stuff to post…. KIWI!!!


This wonderful version of my kiwi is brought to you by kelguen, i found the post over at craftster!!!  Great job!!!!

 And how about all my cats?  Well, i’ll show you!!

Here we have Momo, clearly trying to take a nap in the worst possible place:


The baby kitties like to ‘meow’ around Madaleines room:


This one is definitely a girl:


Forgot how many kittens we have?  Here they are all in a row next to Adrian:


And here are some way too cute kitty pics:




Kitties love sleeping next to Twinkletoes:


And the big cats love sleeping near the kittens:


One more thing- this is what the kids did on the computer last night. 


It’s from the online polly pocket site, i have no idea who ‘skylar’ is, and yes, there was another one with the ‘s’ word that i threw out!!  Silly kids!!!



Superjen strikes again! December 20, 2007

Filed under: attempted sewing,family,free patterns — gnathalie2 @ 11:05 am

I’m a poet and i know it!  more like ‘i’m a dork, where’s my fork’!  Anyway, i just found the cutest, most perfect Christmas ornament here:

And since it’s so super fantabulous, i’m posting it on my blog!!! 

Here is the felt reindeer ornament:


Materials needed:

small amount of felt in brown and beige

red pompom

embroidery floss

embroidery needle



This is the template, just print this out and cut out 2 body and 2 antler pieces, sew together leaving a small opening for stuffing, sew it all up and enjoy! 


Here is the pdf!!!





More bunnies! December 1, 2007

Filed under: attempted sewing,family,free patterns,other crap i do — gnathalie2 @ 11:02 pm

Bunnies are so freakin cute!!  Just not as cute as kittens.  Anyhoo, i have a TON of old kids clothes that i cut up sitting in a ginormous pile in my living room.  And Katie and Patsy were over playing with the kids, so i decided to have a ‘sewing day’. 

I found this pattern online:  and thought ‘what a cute EASY pattern’.  Well, i was right about the cute part.  And i’m sure the easy part works for normal people, but not me!  Now, i know how to use the sewing machine, and i know how to cut out the pieces.  But somewhere between turning the machine on and cutting off the ‘finished product’, i tend to make unrecognizable ‘bunnies’!! 

So, here are the two bunnies that were made with the link as a ‘guide’:


Mine is the ‘dotted’ one, i had sewn the ears on inside out, so i had to ‘redo’ that particular area.  The blue one is Katie’s, and thank god she thought her’s was adorable!! 

So after that episode, i decided to just keep going with my ‘unique’ sewing ability.  I found a green and white checkered shirt that Madaleine never wears and paired that with stripy green stretchy pants that tasha outgrew.  This time i didn’t use a pattern, i just folded the shirt and pants inside out and sewed ear/body shapes.  I like this one cause, let’s face it, bunnies are adorable!! 


For this one i used the huge google eyes and since i had already sewn it closed, i went with a glued on heart shaped felt mouth.  I was gonna embroider a face on it, but i didn’t.  Here is what bunny does when you sneak up on her:


Cute, right?!!!  When it was getting dark and the two girls had to go home, Patsy found one of the wee wonderful bunnies i had made a while back and was all “Oooooh, Mrs. Nathalie, can you make me one??!!!”  And i’m all, “sure, hon, i’ll make one tonight for you”.

Oh, i’ll make one alright, but i am soooooooo leaving that circle on the bottom off!!!  I have enough issues with sewing!!!



I’m getting a bit better at this! October 1, 2007

Filed under: attempted sewing,other crap i do — gnathalie2 @ 9:51 pm

I figured out how to sew the circle on today!!  Yeah me!!!  But then i got lazy and didn’t feel like reaching aaaaalllll the way over to the table to get the needle and thead.  So i ended up just doing a zigzag stitch to close up the hole.  So i guess it’s more like ‘I figured out how to do a semi-circle today!’ I just love those wee wonderfuls!!

1470065954_3643dc6365_m.jpg For these i used Tasha’s shirt and jeans, leftover fabric, and one of Luis’s work shirts.

All the pictures of these that i’ve seen have the faces over on the ‘flat’ side, but i like it better this way. 

So Steph, how many have YOU made?!!! Huh?  None?  That’s what i thought!!!!!



A Crafty Sunday

Filed under: attempted sewing,family,other crap i do — gnathalie2 @ 12:06 am

Tasha woke me up at 7:40 am, and even though it’s the weekend, i got up.  Usually i spend all day cleaning up after the kids and bitching that i can’t ever sit down for a minute without all hell breaking loose.  Today i spent like 4 hours online.  Then Madaleine made me some super yummy birthday cookies, and she’s been making them without a recipie!!!  I do believe i have a future baking queen on my hands!!!

I started making an amigurumi cat for Halloween, but i kept messing up the head shape.  So i plugged in the sewing machine and went to town!  Tasha has a couple pairs of camo jeans that don’t fit right anymore, so i cut those up and also a tank top i’ve had for years.


The cat’s eyes are from Luis’s shirt.  I just cut out 2 of the buttons and did a zigzag stitch around it.  The bunnys eyes are from Tasha’s tights.  I cut out one of the flowers and then cut that in half and glued it on. 

Tasha also jumped on the sewing bandwagon and made herself a bunny! 


She used the foot parts of the tights for the ears, and then glued on felt eyes and a nose. 

I also tried the bunny pattern from, and very quickly found out that i can’t sew circles on!!!!  I think it turned out cute anyway!!  And so did the kittens!



I have a pile of old clothes right on the living room floor, and really i did not feel like driving over to Goodwill today !!  The house is trashed again, but i had such a calm, boring day playing with the sewing machine!! 



For Jennifer September 2, 2007

Filed under: attempted sewing,family,other crap i do — gnathalie2 @ 1:46 pm

Hey Jenn!  Tasha was inspired last night to make a doll/pillow/softie for you!!  She’s very proud of it and can’t wait for you to get it.  She even ‘tested’ it out for you to make sure it was soft enough for your head. (so your head doesn’t  get sick again!)  Here she is working on it:

forjenn1.jpgShe was super patient cause the fabric glue takes overnight to dry all the way.  She had cut out pink circles for freckles, but when she glued them on she didn’t like how it looked.  So to cover the glue spots, she had the idea to make your pillow ‘shy’, and cut out two bigger pink circles for the cheeks!!!  It’s cute to see what kids come up with!! 

Presenting……………. your very own one of a kind Tasha original………..pillow!!!!:


The pillow is a ‘sleepover’ one, covering the eyes is a blue eye mask with unicorns on it (my sock!), the green eyelashes are sticking out,  and clearly it is totally a bunny- she made the teeth extra big cause it’s smiling!  Go Tasha!!!

While she was gluing her project, i decided to mess around with the machine and a sock.  I made a dorky ole’ ‘silly’:


I bought the socks at Target in the dollar bins, looked really cool but the fabric sucked.  It stayed up on my foot but kept twisting around in my shoe.  no thanks!  Silly can’t stand on his own.  No arms = No balance.  stupid thing.


And Steph, I did not forget about Gavin’s alien!!!!  That will get a brand new post later today!!! 



Daddy July 30, 2007

Filed under: attempted sewing,family,other crap i do,turtles — gnathalie2 @ 3:32 am

Steph, Gareth and the kids came down to visit!!  The primary purpose of the visit was to see the new kitties and play with the sewing machine.  Steph went right to work on her turtle, and at the very last minute Annika wanted to make a bunny.  She picked out the colors, the face, the eyes, the mouth and the bunny shape.  I don’t think i have ever sewn anything so fast!!!


Steph cut out a heart and we all gave it a kiss and put it inside the bunny, just like they do at build-a-bear!!  She named her bunny and Steph’s turtle “Daddy”!!! 


 The whole time we were sewing she let us know that ‘the turtle needs a rock’, so Steph made a rock for the turtle!  Here is Annika with the turtle and the bunny


Totally the most creative visit this year!!!  Gavin drew me an alien picture, so i get to make him one per his specifications!  And last but not least, here is Annika and Callan posing for the camera:


Can’t wait till they come over again!!!


BunniBunny! July 29, 2007

Filed under: attempted sewing,family,other crap i do — gnathalie2 @ 9:45 pm

It’s raining.  And i’m kinda bored.  Sooooooo……it’s softee time!!!!  Just finished making my very first ever softee!!!  Her name is BunniBunny.  I think the kids scare her.


 Forget the cottontail-this one has a buttontail!!


I made her with one of tasha’s shirts.  So we all know that means it’s her’s now!!!
